Chihaya Adachi Kyushu Univ., Japan
Development of Exciton Processes Aimed at High-Performance TADF and Hyperfluorescence OLEDs
Marcella Bonchio Univ. of Padova, Italy
Supramolecular Architectures for Artificial Photosynthesis: The Quantasome Vision
Thomas W. Ebbesen Univ. of Strasbourg, France
Hybrid Light - Matter States and their Impact on Material and Chemical Properties
Yuan-Pern Lee National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan
Spectra and Reactions of Criegee Intermediates
Tim Lian Emory Univ., USA
Plasmonic Hot Carrier and Electrode Induction Effects on Adsorbate Dynamics and Reactivity on Metal Electrodes
Stephan Link Rice Univ., USA
Photophysics and Photochemistry of Individual Plasmonic Nanostructures
Tsutomu Miyasaka Toin Univ. of Yokohama
Materials Design for Implementing High Voltage Perovskite Solar Cells
Massimo Olivucci Univ. of Sienna, Italy & Bowling Green State Univ., USA
Comparative Quantum-Classical Dynamics of Natural and Synthetic Molecular Rotors Reveals the Determinants of Photoisomerization Quantum Efficiency
Jian-Ren Shen Okayama Univ., Japan
Mechanism of Light-Induced Water-Splitting in Natural Photosynthesis
Eric Vauthey Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland
Symmetry, disorder and the excited-state dynamics of multipolar conjugated molecules
Oliver Wenger Univ. of Basel, Switzerland
Photoactive First-Row Transition Metal Complexes
Kaoru Yamanouchi Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Bridge between Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrahigh-Resolution Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules