Program Topics

  1. Fundamental Photochemistry and Photophysics
  2. New Frontier in Ultrafast Photochemistry (Ultrafast Electronic and Structural Dynamics using atto- and/or femto-second lasers, SR beam, XFEL etc.)
  3. Photochemistry Using Nano- or Micro-structures (Plasmon, Metasurface, Microcavity etc.)
  4. Photochemistry for Biology and Medicine (Natural Photosynthesis, Photoimmunotherapy etc.)
  5. Photochemistry towards Carbon Neutral (Solar Fuel, Solar Cell, Artificial Photosynthesis etc.)
  6. Photocatalytic Reaction (Photocatalysis for Environment and/or Organic Synthesis, Photoredox Catalyst etc.)
  7. Spectroscopy of Single Molecules, and Nanostructures, and Small Domains
  8. New Concepts and Methods in Theoretical Photochemistry
  9. Photochemistry for Photonic Devices and Biophotonics (OLED, Photonic Materials for Display, Advanced Luminescent Materials, Photochromic Materials, Bioimaging and Its Methodology, etc.)